The Business of Dentistry is a Facebook group started to facilitate discussions about the practical aspects of management and ownership of dental practices. It is currently the largest Dentist only group on the internet. Posts about CLINICAL DENTISTRY are not allowed. If you post about CLINICAL topics you may be BANNED, MUTED, or Your post may be removed at the options of the Moderators. The group is LIMITED TO DENTISTS AND DENTAL STUDENTS ONLY, although they do not have to currently own a practice.

If you have suggestions that will help other practices become better run and more profitable, please share them. We are all adults here so let’s act like it. It’s ok to be passionate if however you become a disruption then you will be forced leave the group. Thank you in advance for all the wonderful pearls of wisdom I know you will sha

I am not a business Guru or a Coach or a Consultant. I am just a dentist like you that struggles to find the best way to be a good leader for my Team and a good CEO for my office. I look forward to all that we will learn together.

Affiliate Partners

The Business of Dentistry LLC, Dream Makers Industries LLC (In Partnership with Glenn Vo), and DocHoff Investments LLC are businesses that I own. From time to time I may negotiate affiliate partnerships. An Affiliate Partnership is a commissioned sales contract. This means that if you sign up for a deal that I have an affiliate Partnership with, I will earn a commission. If I have an Affiliate Partnership with a company that I am promoting, I will disclose it in any post I make about that company. If you Don’t want me to get a commission from my recommendation, simply don’t use the link that I provide and contact the company directly.

When I have an Affiliate Partnership with a company, it is because I use or have used that company in my practice. I will never have an affiliate partnership with a company that I haven’t used.

Ownership and Stocks

As professionals many of us invest to insure our retirement. I do this as well. When I know that I own stock in a company, I will disclose that information no matter how little or how much stock I own. I believe that this is important to do. If I am unaware of ownership in a company, for example through a mutual fund, I will of course not be able to disclose such.

Please Note!

My disclosure of my business dealings goes farther than recommended or required by the FTC. I go this far to insure that you know I will always deal honestly with you. I feel very strongly that this is how business should be done. In addition to this, I require that our members do the same. Unfortunately this is only able to be enforced by the honor system. So, if you as a group contributor receive affiliate compensation for a service that you recommend, that information MUST be disclosed.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Christopher “Doc” Hoffpauir DDS

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